ผลต่างระหว่างรุ่นของ "01219245-57"

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แถว 52: แถว 52:
*** [http://www.construx.com/Resources/Presentation/Agile_Estimation__Key_Principlies_and_Practices_for_Successful_Agile_Practices/ Agile Estimation: Key Principles and Practices for Successful Agile Projects] from Construx.
*** [http://www.construx.com/Resources/Presentation/Agile_Estimation__Key_Principlies_and_Practices_for_Successful_Agile_Practices/ Agile Estimation: Key Principles and Practices for Successful Agile Projects] from Construx.
* Week 11 (May 1):
* Week 11 (May 1) Software Design:
** Software Design
** Slides:
*** [http://www.slideshare.net/jonkruger/solid-software-design-principles SOLID: software design principles] by Jon Kruger (slideshare)
*** [http://www.slideshare.net/skarpushin/solid-ood-dry SOLID, DRY, SLAP] by Сергей Карпушин (slideshare)
== Labs ==
== Labs ==

รุ่นแก้ไขเมื่อ 01:38, 1 พฤษภาคม 2558

This is a course homepage for 01219245/01219246 Individual Software Process and Individual Software Process Lab for 2nd semester, academic year 2557.



  • Week 1 (Jan 16): Introduction. (slides)
    • Modern software development:
  • Week 2 (Jan 23): Incremental & iterative development (slides)
    • Practice on task breakdown. (slides)
    • Coding convention. (slides)
  • Week 5 (Feb 27):
  • Week 7 (Apr 3):
    • Estimation
    • Planning for the 2nd iteration
    • Code cleaning practice
  • Week 8 (Apr 10):
    • Planning for the 3rd iteration
    • Code smells


  • Preparations: Various practical skills (we will discuss these topic in class as well.)
    • Command-line shell: In the modern era of computing, we usually enjoy using nice GUI program to work with our files and folder. However, command-line interface still wins in many aspects. It can be much faster and more accurate. In many cases, e.g., in server maintenance and in many DevOps's activities, command-line interface is the only choice.
      • Various how-to:
        • Windows:
        • Linux:
    • Master your Editor/IDE:

Video clips

  • Git
    • Part 1 - covers the following commands: init, status, add, commit, diff, log
    • Part 2 - covers how to ignore files
    • Part 3 - covers basic branching mode and how to move the HEAD around the commit graphs
  • JavaScript: basic
    • Part 1 - introduction, variables, control flows.
    • Part 2 - functions, I/O with alert() and prompt()
    • Part 3 - how to generate random numbers
