ผลต่างระหว่างรุ่นของ "RDHR/Grammar for Scene Description Language C"

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(สร้างหน้าใหม่: <scene> ::= <camera> <colors> <lights> <objects> <camera> ::= camera { eye <three-floats> at <three-floats> ...)
แถว 1: แถว 1:
:Back to [[RDHR Project]].
  <scene> ::= <camera> <colors> <lights> <objects>
  <scene> ::= <camera> <colors> <lights> <objects>

รุ่นแก้ไขปัจจุบันเมื่อ 05:07, 27 กุมภาพันธ์ 2551

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<scene> ::= <camera> <colors> <lights> <objects>
<camera> ::= camera { 
               eye <three-floats>
               at <three-floats>
               up <three-floats>
               fov <float>

<colors> ::= colors {

<color-binding-list> ::= <color-name> = <rgb> <color-binding-list> |

<color-name> ::= $<name>

<lights> ::= lights {

<light-binding-list> ::= <light-name> = <light-specification> <light-binding-list> |

<light-name> ::= @<name>

<light-specification> ::= <diffuse-light>

<light> ::= <light-name> | <light-specification>
            (Use @NULL to indicate no-emissoin RDF.)

<diffuse-light> ::= diffuse_light {

<color> ::= <color-name> | <rgb>

<rgb> ::= rgb <three-floats>

<three-floats> ::= <float> <float> <float>

<objects> ::= <object> <objects> |

<object> ::= <mesh> | <triangle> | <transform>

<mesh> ::= mesh {
             file <quoted-string>

<triangle> ::= triangle {

<square> ::= square {

<transform> ::= transform {

<transform-list> ::= <one-transform> <transform-list> |

<one-transform> ::= translate <three-floats> |
                    translate_x <float> |
                    translate_y <float> |
                    translate_z <float> |
                    rotate <three-floats> <float> |
                    rotate_x <float> |
                    rotate_y <float> |
                    rotate_z <float> |
                    scale <three-floats> |
                    scale_x <float> |
                    scale_y <float> |
                    scale_z <float> 

<matrix> ::= matrix {