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This is part of 01219245.

Cocos2d-JS comes with a console tool to create new projects and run as a web server for your game.


Python 2

The console tool for cocos2d-js uses python.

Linux/Mac: If you are running Linux or Mac, you should be fine with this step. However, you can make sure that you are running the right version of python, by calling

python --version

and see that the version is 2.x.x

Windows: If you are using Windows, please install python. You can go to https://www.python.org to download. MAKE SURE THAT YOU GET VERSION 2.7.x, as Cocos2d-JS does not work with Python3.

Download Cocos2d-JS and install

Checking the installation

Cocos command line

Try calling cocos from the command line. You should see:

/xxxx/cocos2d-js-v3.2/tools/cocos2d-console/bin/cocos.py 1.5 - cocos console: A command line tool for cocos2d-x

Available commands:
	run           Compiles & deploy project and then runs it on the target
	luacompile    minifies and/or compiles lua files
	deploy        Deploy a project to the target
	compile       Compiles the current project to binary
	new           Creates a new project
	jscompile     minifies and/or compiles js files

Available arguments:
	-h, --help	Show this help information
	-v, --version	Show the version of this command tool

	/xxxxx/cocos2d-js-v3.2/tools/cocos2d-console/bin/cocos.py new --help
	/xxxxx/cocos2d-js-v3.2/tools/cocos2d-console/bin/cocos.py run --help

Running a sample game

Change directory into samples/js-moonwarriors

cd samples/js-moonwarriors

Then call

cocos run -p web

The script will start a web server at your machine. Now you can point your browser to: to start playing MoonWarriors.

A sample HelloWorld page