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This is part of 01219245.

In this course, we will use Git as our software version control tool. There are various UI clients for Git, but we will use the command-line version.


Install Git: go to download page, download and install the command-line version.


  • Additional info for Windows users:
    • When the installer ask you to select components, you can tick off the "Windows Explorer integration".
    • When the installer ask you the option to "Adjusting your PATH environment", choose "Run Git from Windows Command Prompt".

In-class practice

Basic git with HTML

You should watch the first part of the clip, Git (Part 1), to get some idea of the exercise.

1. We will work with command line. For Windows user, use cmd.exe. For Mac/Linux, open a terminal program.

2. Find a location in your file system, and create a new directory/folder for the practice. Let's call the directory homepage. The command for that is mkdir.

mkdir homepage

Then change the current directory to homepage:

cd homepage

3. We will create a repository in that directory. To create a new Git repository, simple call

git init

Practice with branching


  • http://git-scm.com/ - Git main site: documentation
  • YouTube clips:
    • Part 1 - covers the following commands: init, status, add, commit, diff, log
    • Part 2 - covers how to ignore files
    • Part 3 - covers basic branching mode and how to move the HEAD around the commit graphs
  • Other YouTube clips:
    • TBA