พูดคุย:Machine Learning at U of C

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แยก page เป็น week ๆ เหอะ (เดี๋ยวตามอ่านทุกอาทิตย์) -- Jung 16:22, 4 เมษายน 2007 (ICT)

question about OLS

In OLS section, you say

Assume WLOG that and .

but what is ?? -- Jung 01:25, 9 เมษายน 2007 (ICT)

  • Jung -- m is the number of nonzero eigenvalues. is a subspace spanned by eigenvectors corresponding to nonzero eigenvalues. Recall that if all eigenvalues are positive, then the linear-map has no nullspace (and thus invertible). Basically, I splited the whole space to the invertible part (spanned eigenvectors corresponding to positive lambdas) and noninvertible part (spanned by the rest eigenvectors).