RDHR Project

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This page contains information about the Radiance Decomposition Hierarchical Radiosity (RDHR) research project.

Subversion Repositories

  • C# (as a fork of LightFairy library)
  • C++

Notes on Building the C++ Version


You need the following software:

It's important that you use VC2005 because CUDA only work with Microsoft C compiler 6.0 or 7.1, which comes with VC2003 or VC2005. I use VC2005 now, and the repository contains VC2005 project files.
This is the newest Windows SDK I could find.

Please install them and DO NOT alter their installation directories. The reason is that the Windows SDK include directory is hard-coded into rdhr-c++ project files.

Cannot open precompiled header file error

When building the "rdhr" project, you might get an error message like this:

C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: 'Debug/<Project-Name>.pch': No such file or directory.

To make it go away, compile "stdafx.cpp" alone first, then build the project.


Information on UnitTest++, the unit testing framework I'm using, can be found here.

Grammars for Scene Description Language