Probstat/notes/balls and bins

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This is part of probstat. The materials on this part is from this course at Berkeley.

We consider a balls-and-bins experiment where we throw n balls independently into n bins uniformly at random.

Question 1: How many possible outcomes are there?

Since each ball has n choices and their choices are independent, there are outcomes.

Question 2: What is the probability that bin 1 is empty?

In this case, each ball only have n - 1 choices (because they have to avoid bin 1); therefore there are outcomes where bin 1 is empty. Since each outcome is equally likely, the probability that bin 1 is empty is .

Number of empty bins

Let random variable X be the number of empty bins.


It will be very hard to compute E[X] directly. (Just computing P{ X = 3 } seems to be exceedingly hard.)

Fullest bins