Adt lab/classes

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This is part of Adt lab

C++ is a class-based object-oriented programming language. Every object in C++ must be an instance of some class. If you are familiar with OOP in Java, most ideas should be familiar; you may need to learn a few new terminologies. There are one main difference: in C++ you have freedom to use an object as a value-typed variable; in Java, every object is a reference variable. We will look at these basic idea this week.

On-line resources

Classes in C++

Review of basic terminologies

'Classes are user-defined types. An object is an instance of a class. A class can contain many members: data members, member functions, constants. (Note that in C++, we do not call member functions as methods.) Members can have access labels: public, protected, private. Some member can be static member, i.e., it is a member that is shared among all objects in the class.

Dog class

Simple counter class

ADT: Integer set



Copy constructors