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In this project you will have to develop a simple e-book shop application.


  • List available e-books
  • Basic search functionality
  • Basic account operations: check fund & add fund
  • Buy an e-book
  • Show list of user's e-books
  • Refund (within 5 minutes)
  • Basic book promotions


Phase 1

  • List available e-books
    • The app should make an HTTP request to get the JSON book data (see below) and show the list of all available book titles with prices in a list view with no book cover preview.

Phase 2

  • Basic search functionality
    • The user should be able to search for books by parts of the titles and publication years
    • The user should be able to sort the search result by titles and publication years

Phase 3

  • Basic account operations: check fund & add fund (all mock-up)
  • Buy an e-book
    • A user can add e-book to the cart
    • A user can check-out all e-books in the cart. Don't forget to check if the user has enough fund in the account.
  • Show list of user's e-books

Phase 4

  • Basic book promotions
    • Load promotion data and show promotions (see below)
    • The app should only show available promotions (ones where the user can only buy--i.e., if a promotion contains books A, B, and C, but the user has already bought book B, the promotion is not available to the user).
    • Buy e-books from the promotion.

Phase 5

  • Refund (within 5 minutes)


The book data was scraped from [1].