Prg2/monkey game

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This is part of Programming 2 2563

Basic information


Part 1

See the clip here: PRG2 - Monkeys Part 1

In this part we will learn

  • Basic refactoring of code
  • Basic project management tool in github, e.g., issue tracker and project board
  • Git commands: init, add, commit, pull, push

Careful: In the clip, I said that when you call git pull, git would do fetch and merge. I incorrectly said that you have to commit the merge yourself when there is no conflicts. I think I have fixed all that, but if you find in the clip somewhere that I said something like that, please let me know.

Part 2

See the clip here: PRG2 - Monkeys Part 2

In this part we will learn:

  • Git commands: log, checkout
  • Git concept: branch, remote, edit history, merge conficts, .gitignore
  • Working on the same remote git repository with other developers (with no branches)
  • Using modules in Python
  • Small code cleaning

Part 3

See the clip here: PRG2 - Monkeys Part 3

In this part we will learn

  • More project planning using github project board
  • Git concepts: branches
  • Git commands: branch, fetch, merge, stash
  • Code:
    • Show/hide functionally in Sprite
    • Keyboard event handling in GameApp

Final code

We notice that there are many duplicate lines in Sprite and Text (in Therefore, we extract a new base class, called GameCanvasElement from both classes. We also have to update all attributes from sprites to elements so as to be more inclusive about things inside the list.

See the diff here: [2]


This is the edit history for the game.
