ผู้ใช้:Digital-tens unit-tens ems-unit-combo

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The Combo Digital TENS unit settings is a portable tens unit that offers the user the choice of 5 modes of tens unit and 2 modes of Electronic Muscle Stimulator (EMS). The Digital tens unit Combo is great for individuals as well as a unit that the healthcare practitioner can use in the office or for mobile therapy. Digital TENS machine Dual Channel with Timer5 TENS Modes: Burst, Normal, Modulation, Strength-Duration, Bi-Pulse2 EMS Modes: Symmetric, AsymmetricPulse Width: 50 ~ 300µS, (10µS / step)Pulse Rate: 2 ~ 150Hz , 45 adjustable frequenciesOn Ramp: Adjustable 1~8 secondsCycle ON Time: Adjustable 2~99 secondsCycle OFF Time: Adjustable 2~99 secondsWave Form: Asymmetrical Bi-phasic square pulseTimer: 5 ~ 90min. (5min./step) or continuousPatient Compliance Meter:Memory of the accumulated time from 0 ~ 999 minutes of executed applications. The TENS EMS Unit Combo sold by Medword ships complete with:Instruction manualLead wiresFour reusable electrodesCarrying caseBattery