Adt lab/Data structure problems 1/hints
Hints for Data structure problems 1
- UVa 11988 - Broken Keyboard (a.k.a. Beiju Text)
- Maintain a list of characters typed. Make sure you follow the current location.
- UVa 10935 - Throwing cards away I
- Maintain a list of cards.
- UVa 514 - Rails
- Try to simulate how the coaches move. At any point, there is a very limited way you can move the coaches.
- UVa 699 - The Falling Leaves
- Reading the input is the probably the hardest step. You may want to use recursion to read the input, build a tree, and find the solution
- UVa 299 - Train swapping
- You can just try to actually swap carriages so that the train is sorted.
- UVa 296 - Safebreaker
- Try all and check.
- UVa 686 - Goldbach's Conjecture (II)
- Try and check.
- (optional) UVa 11234 - Expressions
- You can construct an expression tree.