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Interesting papers

  • Manuel Lafond, Krister M. Swenson and Nadia El-Mabrouk: An optimal reconciliation algorithm for gene trees with polytomies
  • Nikolay Vyahhi, Son Pham and Pavel Pevnzer: From de Bruijn Graphs to Rectangle Graphs for Genome Assembly
  • Akshay Deepak, David Fernández-Baca and Michelle McMahon: Extracting Conflict-free Information from Multi-labeled Trees (arxiv)
  • Robert Gysel, Kristian Stevens and Dan Gusfield: Reducing Problems in Unrooted Tree Compatibility to Restricted Triangulations of Intersection Graphs
  • Daniel Brown and Jakub Truszkowski: Fast phylogenetic tree reconstruction using locality-sensitive hashing
  • Matthias Bernt, Kun-Mao Chao, Jyun-Wei Kao, Martin Middendorf and Eric Tannier: Preserving Inversion Phylogeny Reconstruction